REimagine Vol. 2
December 2020
REimagine a Bright Future: A REpublic for the Common Good, is a compilation of stories on RE initiatives for the benefit of many or an entire community. Renewable energy - harnessed from natural resources like sun, wind and bodies of water – is increasingly considered as a public good given its indispensable function in improving the
quality of life as well as in saving lives. In fact, there is a growing recognition that access to energy or electricity is a human right. Undeniably, RE plays an important role in meeting other necessities in life— both at the individual and collective levels. A REpublic for the Common Good showcases the application of RE technologies in public or common spaces for the benefit of the majority. These initiatives show how RE can be used to
provide not just lighting, but safety, education and research, communications, and environmental protection as well.
This collection of stories aims to encourage institutions, especially the government, to maximize public buildings and common spaces to be powered by RE to realize affordable, clean and available electricity in order to enable the public access to their basic needs and or services