Renewable Energy through Capacity Building, Linkages, Advocacy, Innovation, and Mobilization
Towards a Just & Sustainable Energy Future
The CentRE recognizes that a transformation towards RE requires a community-centered approach.

RE Congress 2024
An annual multi-stakeholder gathering for exchanges on key policies, technology trends, and experiences on renewable energy, and for building partnerships to accelerate RE deployment.

RE Academy
An intensive special education program on renewable energy to enhance the understanding and skills of stakeholders especially the youth, local governments, workers and women for their increased participation in RE development and deployment.
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RE pilots
Developing CRISP - catalytic, replicable, innovative, scalable, participatory – renewable energy projects in marginalized areas towards addressing energy access, climate resilience, and sustainable and inclusive development in these communities.
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The Women in Inclusive and Sustainable Energy, and Just Transition (WISE) initiative aims to document the experiences and perspectives of women v.v. their access to clean and sustainable energy; build on these narratives towards formulating inclusive and gender-responsive energy policies and programs; and facilitate the coming together or formation of women advocates for renewable energy and just transition.
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